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Heating cable antifreeze – AC
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Heating cable antifreeze – AC
pour la protection contre le gel des tuyauteries métalliques ou plastiques
Conforme à la norme NFC C15-100

Les câbles chauffants électriques antigel vous assurent du meilleur système de traçage électrique.
Ils sont conçus pour prévenir tout risque d'éclatement des tuyauteries dû au gel. Conçu pour la protection contre le gel de vos tuyauteries.
Grace à sa prise électrique et son thermostat intégré, son installation sera simple, rapide et en toute sécurité.
La puissance de 10w/m des câbles interdit toute surchauffe de vos tuyauteries tout en assurant une protection antigel optimale.
Lorsqu’il fait froid, le thermostat enclenche le fonctionnement du câble chauffant. Et lorsqu’il fait chaud, le thermostat empêche le passage du courant à des fins d’économies d’énergie.
Le câble est fabriqué en Thermoplastique avec une tresse de protection mécanique et de mise à la terre ainsi qu’une surgaine de protection.

Tension nominale d'alimentation 230V
Tolérances sur la puissance +-2.5W
Température maxi d'exposition sous tension 60°C
Température maxi d'exposition hors tension 60°C
Rayon de courbure minimum 5 x Ad
Température d'installation minimale - 35°C
Sortie froide 1x2m
Indice de Protection : IP X7
Chauffage de surface maxi : 10 W/m

Certification CE

Consignes de sécurité :
- Le câble chauffant doit être installé conformément au plan d’installation.
- Le câble chauffant ne doit être connecté qu’à une tension de 230 V.
- Le câble chauffant ne doit jamais être raccourci ou endommagé.
- Le câble chauffant doit être posé et protégé de façon à ce qu’il soit tenu à l’abri des animaux et des enfants.
- Utiliser le câble chauffant seulement pour l’usage décrit dans l’instruction de montage.
- Si vous constatez que le câble chauffant est endommagé, déconnectez immédiatement l’alimentation en courant de 230 V et remplacez le câble chauffant.
- N’installez jamais le câble chauffant à proximité de substances, d’objets ou de gaz explosifs.
- Un disjoncteur de protection FI (30 mA) est prescrit (voir indications de montage).

AC1 : 1m : 20W
AC3 : 3m : 30W
AC5 : 5m : 50W
AC8 : 8m : 80W
AC12 : 12m : 120W
Heating armoured Resistances with wings - Economic Range
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Heating armoured Resistances with wings - Economic Range
Tube stainless steel AISI 321, Ø 8 mm
Wings of dissipation 25 X 50 mm out of zinc coated steel
Supply voltage: 230 VAC
Fixing by threaded bushing M12 X 1,25 out of zinc coated steel, length of the net: 8 mm

Low range charges:
Primarily used for the heating of electrical equipment boxes
Maximum temperature of use: 60 °C in natural convection, beyond in forced convection
Insulate the electric terminals thermically for a higher use or equalizes with 125 °C
Step between wings “P " = 5 mm, distance between centres “E” = 25 mm
Electric connection: by terminals punts (delivered with screw M4)

Ranges average charges and high load:
Primarily used for the air conditioning
Maximum temperature of use: 100 °C with Squirrel fur = 2 m/s
Work in ventilation forced to reach temperatures higher than 100 °C with Squirrel fur = 6 m/s with model MHC1334
Step between wings = 6,6 mm, distance between centres = 25 mm
Electric connection: by threaded terminals M4
- Air conditioning
- Furnaces and drying ovens
- Installations of drying
- Heating of cupboards and boxes electric…

- Another Material (any stainless)
- Another dimensional range (length: sheath + wings, diameter)
- Another electric range (power, Voltage)
- Another electric End fitting
- Another form (sheath + wings: rounds, spiral…) according to plan

Fixing by welded pivot
- Allows to avoid the use of welding and any risk of break and oxidation
- Assembly integrated at the time of the realization of the heater (to be specified with the order)
Heating armoured Resistances with wings - Standard Range
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Heating armoured Resistances with wings - Standard Range
Range “Distance between center 25”:
- Tube stainless steel AISI 321, Ø 8 mm
- Supply Voltage 230 VAC
- Wings of dissipation 25 X 50 mm out of zinc coated steel
- Dimensions: not between wings “P” = 5 mm, distance between center “E” = 25 mm
- Fixing by threaded bushing M12 X 1,25 out of zinc coated steel, length of the net 8 mm
- Electric Connection by terminals punts (delivered with screw M4)

Range “Distance between center 40”:
- Tube stainless steel AISI 321, Ø 10 mm
- Supply Voltage 230 VAC
- Wings of dissipation 40 X 70 mm out of zinc coated steel
- Dimensions: not between wings “P” = 5.5 mm, distance between center “E” = 40 mm
- Fixing by threaded bushing M14 X 1.25 out of zinc coated steel, length of the net 11 mm
- Electric Connection by terminals punts (delivered with screw M4)
- Adaptable only with pivot of fixing of longor 60 mm

- Air conditioning
- Furnaces and drying ovens
- Installations of drying
- Heating of cupboards and boxes electric…

- Another Material (any stainless)
- Another dimensional range (length: sheath + wings, diameter)
- Another electric range (power, Voltage)
- Another electric End fitting - Another form (sheath + wings: rounds, spiral…) according to plan

- Allows to avoid the use of welding and any risk of break and oxidation
- Assembly integrated at the time of the realization of the heater (to be specified with the order)
Battery of heating for ventilation duct - Single-phase current
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Battery of heating for ventilation duct - Single-phase current
Frame in galvanized steel
Stainless steel heater 321, Ø 6,4 mm
With a thermostat of safety to 85 °C
Case of connection IP 44 in epoxy covered steel

- Another dimensional range
- Another electric range (power, Voltage)
- Acceptable maximum temperature more important by change of thermostat
- Cylindrical conduits and marketable resistances individually
Unit heaters, convectors industrialists and other types of battery on request!
Battery of heating for ventilation duct - Three-phase current
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Battery of heating for ventilation duct - Three-phase current
Frame in galvanized steel
Stainless steel heater 321, Ø 6,4 mm
With a thermostat of safety to 85 °C
Case of connection IP 44 in epoxy covered steel

- Another dimensional range
- Another electric range (power, Voltage)
- Acceptable maximum Temperature more important by change of thermostat
- cylindrical Conduits and marketable resistances individually
Industrial unit heaters, convectors and other types of battery on request!
Transmitters ceramics of infra-reds medium wave
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Transmitters ceramics of infra-reds medium wave
Gamme d'emetteurs céramique infra-rouge et accessoires correspondants.
Heating armoured Resistance right
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Heating armoured Resistance right
Protection Sheath stainless 321 Ø 8 mm
Fixing by threaded bushing M12 X 1,25
Electric connection by terminals punts

- Another material
- Another dimensional range (length, diameter)
- Another electric range (power, Voltage)
- Another electric End fitting
- Another form according to plan
- Electric Connection on the same End fitting
- Double insulation in order to minimize the leakage currents towards the earth
- Differentiated Heating (variable specific charge over the heating length)
Heating armoured Resistance pin
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Heating armoured Resistance pin
Protection Sheath stainless 321 Ø 8 mm
Distance between centres 30 mm
Fixing by threaded bushing M12 X 1,25
Electric connection by terminals punts
Voltage standardized 230 V

- Furnaces, drying ovens,…
- Air conditioning
- Installations of drying
- Textile industrial Drying

- Another Material
- Another dimensional range (length, diameter)
- Another electric range (power, voltage)
- Another electric End fitting
- Another form according to plan
- Electric Connection on the same End fitting
- Double insulation in order to minimize the leakage currents towards the earth
- Differentiated Heating (variable specific charge over the heating length)
Heating tight mica collar
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Heating tight mica collar
Tight housing:
brass: up to 375 °C
Supply voltage 230 V
Orientation of the output: axial 45°
Electric connection by cable isolated silk from glass under flexible braid steel, length 400 mm
Tightening by screw
- maximum Temperature: 375 °C - Output: axial 45°

- Transformation of the plastics, bakelites, epoxy, polyester, rubber
- Hot Moulds,…

- Another dimensional range (diameter, width, length and orientation of the cable)
- Another electric range (power, voltage)
- Another electric End fitting
- Another type of tightening
Heating cartridge  cold conformed
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Heating cartridge cold conformed
Heating cartridge cold conformed
Sheath stainless, sections 3 X 3 mm, 2,2 X 4,2 mm or 5 X 7 mm
Inactive zone = 90
Output wire (2 drivers + ground) isolated silk from glass, protected under:
- insulating sleeve silk of glass silicon (for sections 3 X 3 mm and 2,2 X 4,2 mm)
- braid steel (for section 5 X 7 mm)
Supply voltage 230 V

- Return to the earth according to model
- Other sections on request: Ø 3 mm, Ø 4 mm, 6 X 6 mm, etc…, us to consult
- realizable Forming and plane bending following
- Models with thermocouple incorporated on request
Heating cartridge - High temperature
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Heating cartridge - High temperature
Protection Sheath stainless
Welding TIG
Magnesium compacted oxide core and insulation
Supply voltage 230 V
Electric connection by covered drivers nickel silk of glass, standard length 250 mm
Resistive wire NiCr 80/20

- Industry plastic, bakelite, epoxy, polyester and rubber
- Hot Moulds - Refrigerating of absorption
- Heating of metal masses
- Marking Machines - Industry of the bolster

- Another dimensional range (length: sheath + output flexible, Ø)
- Another electric range (voltage, power)
- Another type of assembly (output bent, cable protected by flexible device stainless,…)
- Another electric End fitting
- Return by the earth
- Differentiated Heating (variable specific heating over the heating length)
- Thimble during the heating of a fluid

Precautions for use:
- Use a product lubricating which will facilitate the assembly and the disassembling of the heating cartridges within their boring while ensuring a good thermal conductibility. See heat-conducting grease silicone (ref. GSTC)
- So not burning the junctions or roasting resistance, take care to leave the electric cable out of boring and introducing the whole of the sheath inside this last
- Protect the electric junctions against moisture, the metal particles which could generate leakage currents.
- Avoid the vibrations and ensure a good mechanical stability it temperature sensor must be placed at 10 mm maximum of the cartridge. The minimum difference between the cartridges is equal to two diameters

Heat-conducting grease silicone (ref. GSTC)
- Is used to conduct the heat by filling space between various materials
- Insulating electric - Does not harden, resists water, not corrosive
- Temperature of use: -60 to + 205 °C - Conservation: > 1 year at temperature lower than 50 °C
- Solvent: trichloréthane
- For higher temperatures, to consult us!
Heating cartridge - Low temperature
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Heating cartridge - Low temperature
Protection Sheath stainless
Welding TIG
Magnesium compacted oxide core and insulation
Supply voltage 230 V
Electric connection by covered drivers nickel silk of glass, standard length 250 mm
Resistive wire NiCr 80/20

- Industry plastic, bakelite, epoxy, polyester and rubber
- Hot Moulds - Refrigerating of absorption
- Heating of metal masses
- Marking Machines - Industry of the bolster

- Another dimensional range (length: sheath + output flexible, Ø)
- Another electric range (voltage, power)
- Another type of assembly (output bent, cable protected by flexible device stainless,…)
- Another electric End fitting
- Return by the earth
- Differentiated Heating (variable specific heating over the heating length)
- Thimble during the heating of a fluid

Precautions for use:
- Use a product lubricating which will facilitate the assembly and the disassembling of the heating cartridges within their boring while ensuring a good thermal conductibility. See heat-conducting grease silicone (ref. GSTC)
- So not burning the junctions or roasting resistance, take care to leave the electric cable out of boring and introducing the whole of the sheath inside this last
- Protect the electric junctions against moisture, the metal particles which could generate leakage currents.
- Avoid the vibrations and ensure a good mechanical stability it temperature sensor must be placed at 10 mm maximum of the cartridge. The minimum difference between the cartridges is equal to two diameters

Heat-conducting grease silicone (ref. GSTC)
- Is used to conduct the heat by filling space between various materials
- Insulating electric - Does not harden, resists water, not corrosive
- Temperature of use: -60 to + 205 °C - Conservation: > 1 year at temperature lower than 50 °C
- Solvent: trichloréthane
- For higher temperatures, to consult us!
Fixed immersion heater - Range “M45 X 2” or “1” 1/2 GC”
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Fixed immersion heater - Range “M45 X 2” or “1” 1/2 GC”
Heating of the liquids
Range “M45 X 2” or “1” 1/2 GC”
- Nickelled copper Immersion heater: heating of water with 100 °C maximum, water decalcified or at low temperature, light oils in closed loop
- Stainless steel Immersion heater 316 L: heating of water with 100 °C maximum, higher mechanical strength than copper, the models with calorific low density can get busy for the water heating slightly acid or very alkaline

Brass stopper threaded M45 X 2 (code: Réf./M45) or with threading 1” 1/2 GC (Code: Réf./1” 1/2)
Composed ofr 3 resistances armoured out of pins Ø 8 mm
Case of connection out of aluminium IP 66
Delivered with the whole of the accessories of connection and sealing
Power :
- immersion heater made up of 3 pins (230/400 V three-phase current assembly triangle or star)
- heating of liquids in general
- Steam boilers
- Reheating of the gas oil
- Dyeings, cleaning
- Heating by circulation of liquid
- Chemical Industries,…
- Models with built-in thermostat
- Accessories: attach to weld out of stainless or steel, nuts out of stainless, steel or brass, case of connection out of aluminium IP 66 and adapter threaded out of brass
- Another Material - Another dimensional range (length, diameter)
- Another electric range (voltage, power)
- Another type of tightening
- Another type of assembly (the shape and position of the heaters, electric case,…)
Precautions for use:
- Use the immersion heaters in horizontal assembly preferably, heating length constantly immersed
Fixed immersion heater - Range Coppers “M77 X 2” or “2” 1/2 GC”
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Fixed immersion heater - Range Coppers “M77 X 2” or “2” 1/2 GC”
Heating of the Gamme liquids
Coppers “M77 X 2” or “2” 1/2 GC”
- Heating of water with 100 °C maximum
- Water decalcified or at low temperature
- Closed loop
Brass stopper threaded M77 X 2 (code: Réf./M77) or with threading 2” 1/2 GC (Code: Réf./2” 1/2)
Composed of 3 resistances armoured out of pins Ø 16 mm out of nickelled copper
Case of connection out of aluminium IP 66
Delivered with the whole of the accessories of connection and sealing
Power :
- 230 V three-phase current assembly triangle
- 400 V three-phase current assembly star

- Heating of liquids in general
- Steam boilers
- Reheating of the gas oil
- Dyeings, cleaning
- Heating by circulation of liquid
- Chemical Industries,…

- Models with built-in thermostat
- Accessories: attach to weld out of stainless or steel, nuts out of stainless, steel or brass, case of connection out of aluminium IP 66 and adapter threaded out of brass
- Another Material
- Another dimensional range (length, diameter)
- Another electric range (voltage, power)
- Another type of tightening
- Another type of assembly (the shape and position of the heaters, electric case,…)

Precautions for use:
- Use the immersion heaters in horizontal assembly preferably, heating length constantly immersed
Fixed immersion heater - Range any stainless “M77 X 2” or “2” 1/2 GC”
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Fixed immersion heater - Range any stainless “M77 X 2” or “2” 1/2 GC”
Range in stainless steel 316 L “M77 X 2” or “2” 1/2 GC”
- Heating of water with 100 °C maximum
- Good mechanical resistance
- Model with low calorific density can get busy for the water heating slightly acid or very alkaline
Stainless steel clap 304 threaded M77 X 2 (code: Réf./M77) or with threading 2” 1/2 GC (Code: Réf./2” 1/2)
Composed of 3 resistances armoured out of pins Ø 10 mm out of stainless steel 316 L
Case of connection out of aluminium IP 66
Delivered with the whole of the accessories of connection and sealing
- 230 V three-phase current assembly triangle
- 400 V three-phase current assembly star
Accessories for fixed immersion heaters
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Accessories for fixed immersion heaters
Mobile immersion heater - model 1
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Mobile immersion heater - model 1
Sheath stainless AISI 316 L Ø 10 mm
Handle bakelite
Electric connections inside the handle
Power 230 VAC
- Heating of baths of nonaggressive liquids for stainless
- Accessories: batch of 2 mounting flanges with Omega double out of stainless AISI 430, delivered with 2 screws stainless M4 X25 (ref.: BRI-TM)
- Another dimensional range (length, form of the output)
- Another electric range (voltage, power)
- Other applications: chemical oils, gas oil, greases, baths
Heating collar for standardized barrel
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Heating collar for standardized barrel
Element armoured stainless steel AISI 321 covered with a framework out of galvanized steel insulated mica (nontight construction)
Composition: 2 half collars
Tightening by reductions
Dimensions: height 120 mm, Ø int. 580 mm
Power: 2 X 650 W
Specific charge: 0,64 W/cm2
Power 230 V
Precautions for use:
- Place the collar low possible by taking care that this one marries the shapes of the barrel as well as possible
- Check that the level of the liquid is higher than the site of the collar. In the case of variations of level in your process, plan controllers of level
- Check that the acceptable maximum temperature by the liquid cannot be exceeded or insert a thermostat
- Not to cover the barrel at the time it heating in order to to avoid an increase in the pressure or insert a pressure controller
Thermostated heating belt
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Thermostated heating belt
Heater: resistance nickel multistranded
Support: rubber, silicone armed glass fiber with metal strip iron rolled-iron product
Control: adjustable thermostat drowned under silicone avoiding any risk of overheating
Fixing by system with spring ensuring a good adhesion and allowing the adaptation on not standardized barrels
Power 230 V single-phase current
Precautions for use:
- Place the collar low possible by taking care that this one marries the shapes of the barrel as well as possible
- Check that the level of the liquid is higher than the site of the collar In the case of variations of level in your process, plan controllers of level
- Check that the acceptable maximum temperature by the liquid cannot be exceeded or insert a thermostat
- not to cover the barrel at the time it heating in order to to avoid an increase in the pressure or insert a pressure controller
Heating tapes Self-regulating
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Heating tapes Self-regulating
Available in 2 versions:
- Sheathed version polyolefin
- Ribboned and sheathed version fluoropolymère (PFA) approved Ex ia for chemical applications

Range “Low temperature 50/60 °C”:
- Piping, tanks, gutters,…
- Maintenance at low temperature, setting except freezing
Maximum temperature of aera:
- Not under voltage: 80 °C
- Under voltage: 65 °C
- Closed loop
Section: 1,23 mm²
Power :
- Nominal: 230 V single-phase current
- Maximum: 300 V single-phase current
- Other, to consult us

- Cuts itself to the length on site
- Storage on lathe
- Power, variable according to the external conditions, prohibiting any overheating
- Usable with the fast cabling system “Domoclick”
- Times rapid, average delivery under 48 hours
- Guarantee 10 years
- Certificate LCIE and CSTB on request
- Possible Overlapping during the tracing

Accessories of junction:
Junction box “Domoclick”
- Simple, sure and fast, in only 3 minutes, this system, adapted to each case of use, guarantees a durable and sure junction to you heating ribbons
- Index of protection: IP 54, seals with the dust and water projections
- Cold End fitting IP 68
Connecting cable
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Connecting cable
Connecting cable for heating resistances and thermoplastic machines
Insulation by windings of impregnated glass silicone
External sheath in glass fiber braid silicone
Colour (to be defined): chestnut, blue or green yellow/by spiral edgings
Electric characteristic:
- voltage of maximum service. : 500 V
- voltage of breakdown: > 2500 V
- voltage of test: 2000 V
Very good impact resistance thermal, to UV and ozone
Good held with moisture
Very good ageing
Connecting cable 2 drivers + ground, out of silk of glass
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Connecting cable 2 drivers + ground, out of silk of glass
Connecting cable for heating resistances and thermoplastic machines
Flexible heart coppers red
Insulation by windings of impregnated glass silicone
External sheath in glass fiber braid silicone
- external braid: gray
- drivers: chestnut, blue and green yellow/by spiral edgings
Electric characteristic :
- voltage of maximum service. : 500 V
- voltage of breakdown: > 2500 V
- voltage of test: 2000 V
Very good impact resistance thermal, to UV and ozone
Good held with moisture
Very good ageing
Mobile immersion heater - model 2
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Mobile immersion heater - model 2
Sheath stainless AISI 316 L Ø 8 mm
Handle bakelite
Electric connections inside the handle
Power 230 VAC
- Heating of baths of nonaggressive liquids for stainless
- Accessories: batch of 2 mounting flanges with Omega double out of stainless AISI 430, delivered with 2 screws stainless M4 X25 (ref.: BRI-TM)
- Another dimensional range (length, form of the output)
- Another electric range (voltage, power)
- Other applications: chemical oils, gas oil, greases, baths
Mobile immersion heater - model 3
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Mobile immersion heater - model 3
Sheath stainless AISI 316 L Ø 8 mm
Handle electric
Connexions bakelite inside the handle
Alimentation 230 VAC
- Heating of baths of nonaggressive liquids for stainless
- Accessories: batch of 2 mounting flanges with Omega double out of stainless AISI 430, delivered with 2 screws stainless M4 X25 (ref.: BRI-TM)
- Another dimensional range (length, form of the output)
- Another electric range (voltage, power)
- Other applications: chemical oils, gas oil, greases, baths
Heating tapes – AUTOREG
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Heating tapes – AUTOREG
La gamme AUTOREG est utilisée pour la mise hors gel des tuyauteries. Grâce à son thermostat, le ruban se met automatiquement sous tension lorsque la température est inférieure à 5°C et se coupe à +9°C , cela permet des économies d’énergie substancielle et offre en complément les avantages et la sécurité des rubans chauffants autorégulants.
Température de surface maximum : hors tension : +80°C, sous tension : +65°C
Tension d’alimentation : 230 V mono, raccordement par câble souple.
Puissance : 15W/m

- Evite les vidanges et permet une utilisation permanente des réseaux hydrauliques.
- Facilité d’utilisation. Disponibilité sur stock.
- Longueur ajustable aux dimensions des réseaux.
- Ruban terminé et contrôlé en usine.
- Aucun risque de surchauffe grâce à son système autorégulant.

D’autres longueurs sont disponibles sur simple demande.
Armoured resistance collapsible – RBF
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Armoured resistance collapsible – RBF
En standard Ø8mm
Puissance linéaire possible : 6 et 10 W/cm²

Option :
Produit disponible en section 6x6, Ø8,5 sur simple demande
Junction box – JONCT
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Junction box – JONCT
Boîtier de jonction pour série RCPC et câble chauffant
Dimension : 89x89x44 mm
Température max : +80°C
Etanchéïté : IP54
Poids : 120g
Consultez-nous pour modèles étanches, Ex, ....
Version 8 entrées sur demande…
Terminal Kit – KITRCA
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Terminal Kit – KITRCA
Kit de termaison pour rubans chauffants RCBAT
Montage sur le boîtier JONCT
Comprenant :
- Chapeau
- Joints
- Corps
- Contre-écrou
- Gaines thermorétractables
- Bouchons thermorétractables
Heatin panel in silicon tailor made
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Heatin panel in silicon tailor made
Composé d’un élément chauffant gainé de silicone; fixé sur trame, protégé par 2 panneaux de silicone vulcanisés
Résistant aux intempéries en usage exterieur
Résistant à de nombreux produits chimiques (graisses, acide (ph4) etc…)
Température max : 200°C
Tension d’alimentation : 230V
Puissance : jusqu’à 4 KW/m²
Protection : IP65
Câble d’alimentation : 1m
Isolement : >100 M ohms
Tolérance de puissance : ±10%

Bandes et bâches chauffantes siliconées, flexibles chauffants pour chauffage d'antennes, cuves, fûts…

suivant plan sur demande !

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PROSENSOR 15, rue de Montvaux 57865 Amanvillers - FRANCE
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