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Platinum RTD (PT100) probes
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Sonde PT100 de température d'ambiance - Classe B - SAIF
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Sonde PT100 de température d'ambiance - Classe B - SAIF
Boîtier couleur blanc RAL 9010
Dimensions : 85x91x27mm - IP 30

Pour les versions avec convertisseurs

Alimentation : 15 a 35V DC
Réglage par défaut 0/+50*C , 8 plages de mesures paramétrables par cavaliers
Température de service -30/70°C

Montage 2 ou 4 fils sur demande
Compact PT 100 probe  with connection and transmitter connector output M12 – DTR12
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Compact PT 100 probe with connection and transmitter connector output M12 – DTR12
Pt100 classe 1/3 DIN, sortie 4-20 mA 2 fils
Connecteur débrochable M12 IP67 4 contacts
Gaine de protection, boitier et raccord process en inox 316 L
Temps de reponse dans de l’eau à 0.4m/s: T50 inférieur à 3 s
Temps de reponse dans de l’eau à 0.4m/s: T90 inférieur à 5 s
Précision du capteur classe 1/3 DIN 0.1%C à 0 °C, 0.27 °C à 100 °C

Caractéristiques du transmetteur intégré dans le corps :

Précision ±0,08 % de la pleine échelle
Défaut de linéarisation : ±0,1 % de la pleine échelle
Tension d’alimentation : 8,5 à 32 VDC avec protection d’inversion de polarité
Influence de l’alimentation : ±0,01 %/ V à partir de 24V
Température d’ambiance du boitier : -25 à +85 °C
Température de stockage : -25 à +85 °C
Température limite de process : -25 à +150 °C
Influence de la température : ±0,02 % de la pleine echelle / °C
Sécurité : courant supérieur à 22 mA en cas de rupture du capteur
Grande immunité contre le bruit (filtre de réjection bande radio)

- Etalonnage sur chaine de mesure rattachée Cofrac
- Autre raccord
- Bride inox
- Raccord coulissant
- Doigt de gant
Smooth compact PT100 probe with transmitter and connector output M12 – DTRL
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Smooth compact PT100 probe with transmitter and connector output M12 – DTRL
Pt100 classe 1/3 DIN, sortie 4-20 mA 2 fils
Connecteur débrochable M12 IP67 4 contacts
Gaine de protection et boitier en inox 316 L
Temps de reponse dans de l’eau à 0.4m/s: T50 inférieur à 3 s
Temps de reponse dans de l’eau à 0.4m/s: T90 inférieur à 5 s
Précision du capteur classe 1/3 DIN 0.1%C à 0 °C, 0.27 °C à 100 °C

Caractéristiques du transmetteur intégré dans le corps :

Précision ±0,08 % de la pleine échelle
Défaut de linéarisation : ±0,1 % de la pleine échelle
Tension d’alimentation : 8,5 à 32 VDC avec protection d’inversion de polarité
Influence de l’alimentation : ±0,01 %/ V à partir de 24V
Température d’ambiance du boitier : -25 à +85 °C
Température de stockage : -25 à +85 °C
Température limite de process : -25 à +450 °C
Pour les températures dépassant 150 °C, prévoir une longueur de 120 mm entre corps et raccord
Influence de la température : ±0,02 % de la pleine echelle / °C
Sécurité : courant supérieur à 22 mA en cas de rupture du capteur
Grande immunité contre le bruit (filtre de réjection bande radio)

- Etalonnage sur chaine de mesure rattachée Cofrac
- Bride inox
- Raccord coulissant
- Polissage du plongeur
Probe PT100 smooth compact 4/20 mA connecteur output DIN43650A – DCTRDINL
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Probe PT100 smooth compact 4/20 mA connecteur output DIN43650A – DCTRDINL
Pt100 classe 1/3 DIN, sortie 4-20 mA 2 fils
Connecteur DIN polyamide fibre de verre contacts Faston.
Gaine de protection et boitier en inox 316 L
Temps de reponse dans de l’eau à 0.4m/s: T50 inférieur à 3 s
Temps de reponse dans de l’eau à 0.4m/s: T90 inférieur à 5 s
Précision du capteur classe 1/3 DIN 0.1%C à 0 °C, 0.27 °C à 100 °C

Caractéristiques du transmetteur intégré dans le corps :
Précision ±0,08 % de la pleine échelle
Défaut de linéarisation : ±0,1 % de la pleine échelle
Tension d’alimentation : 8,5 à 32 VDC avec protection d’inversion de polarité
Influence de l’alimentation : ±0,01 %/ V à partir de 24V
Température d’ambiance du boitier : -25 à +85 °C
Température de stockage : -25 à +85 °C
Température limite de process : -25 à +450 °C
Pour les température dépassant 150 °C, prévoir une longueur de 120 mm entre corps et raccord
Influence de la température : ±0,02 % de la pleine echelle / °C
Sécurité : courant supérieur à 22 mA en cas de rupture du capteur
Grande immunité contre le bruit (filtre de réjection bande radio)

- Autres réglages de plage sur demande
- Etalonnage sur chaine de mesure rattachée Cofrac
- Bride inox
- Raccord coulissant
- Polissage du plongeur
Probe PT100 with cable, connector M12 and curve spring – SL-M12
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Probe PT100 with cable, connector M12 and curve spring – SL-M12
Gaine de protection : acier inox 316 L, Ø 6 x 0,4 mm
Sonde : Pt 100 céramique IEC 60751 classe A, simple enroulement en montage 3 fils
Sortie : connecteur M12 mâle, câble protégé par ressort de courbure
Câble de raccordement : PFA/silicone, 3m
Température d'utilisation : -25 à 90°C pour connecteur, -50 à 180°C pour extrémité câble/tube
Probe PT100 with smooth miniature head connector output M12 and transmitter  - MDANGLM12
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Probe PT100 with smooth miniature head connector output M12 and transmitter - MDANGLM12
Gaine de protection Inox 316L Ø6x0,4
Sonde PT100 DIN IEC 60751 classe A simple enroulement en montage 3 fils
Tête de raccordement type MDANG (IP68) avec chaînette sur couvercle à visser
Avec connecteur M12 mâle
Température d’utilisation : -50 à +250°C
Montage anti-vibratoire
sortie 4-20 mA type 940PRO

- Autre diamètre et longueur sur demande
Probe PT100  with miniature head to screw in connector output M12 and transmitter  - MDANGOSIM12
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Probe PT100 with miniature head to screw in connector output M12 and transmitter - MDANGOSIM12
Gaine de protection Inox 316L Ø6x0,4
Sonde PT100 DIN IEC 60751 classe A simple enroulement en montage 3 fils
Tête de raccordement type MDANG (IP68) avec chaînette sur couvercle à visser
Raccord : 1/2" GAZ cylindrique mâle en acier inox 316 L
Avec connecteur M12 mâle
Température d’utilisation : -50 à +250°C
Montage anti-vibratoire
sortie 4-20 mA type 940PRO

- Autre diamètre et longueur sur demande
PT100 external environment probe in aluminium case output 4/20mA – SAETAL-I
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PT100 external environment probe in aluminium case output 4/20mA – SAETAL-I
- sonde PT100 CEI60751, classe A, simple enroulement, montage 3 fils
- tube de protection en acier INOX 316L, Ø 5mm longueur 40mm
- boîtier étanche IP66 en aluminium, 64x58x34mm
- sortie presse étoupe en laiton nickelé, serrage de Ø 5 à 10mm
- température d'environnement de -40 à 85°C
- alimentation : 12/35Vdc
- résolution : 0.004mA
- étendu mini : 40°C
- étendu mesurable : -200/650°C
- résistance de charge : R=(Valim-12)/0.02
PT100 external environment probe in aluminium case output 0/10V – SAETAL-U
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PT100 external environment probe in aluminium case output 0/10V – SAETAL-U
- sonde PT100 CEI60751, classe A, simple enroulement, montage 3 fils
- tube de protection en acier INOX 316L, Ø 5mm longueur 40mm
- boîtier étanche IP66 en aluminium, 64x58x34mm
- sortie presse étoupe en laiton nickelé, serrage de Ø 5 à 10mm
- température d'environnement de -40 à 85°C
- alimentation : 15/35Vdc; 15/26Vac
- étendu mesurable : -200/600°C
Probe PT100 / PT1000 with miniature head, fitting and transmitter – MDANGOSI
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Probe PT100 / PT1000 with miniature head, fitting and transmitter – MDANGOSI
Gaine de protection Inox 316L Ø6x0,4
Sonde PT100 ou PT1000 CEI 60751 classe A simple enroulement en montage 3 fils
Tête de raccordement type MDANG (IP68) avec chaînette sur couvercle à visser et presse-étoupe polyamide IP68
Raccord : 1/2" GAZ cylindrique mâle en acier inox 316 L
Température d’utilisation : -50 à +250°C
Montage anti-vibratoire
Sortie 4-20 mA type 940PRO (Attention: uniquement en PT100)

option :
- Autre diamètre et longueur, raccord sur demande
- Montage 2 fils sur demande
Probe PT100 with notch for motor stator – SPTE
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Probe PT100 with notch for motor stator – SPTE
Les sondes à encoches permettent de mesurer la température du bobinage du stator des moteurs à haute tension.

- tension de travail : Ui<=60V
- courant capteur : 0.8/2mA
- puissance active maximale : 10mW
- auto-échaufement : <=1K (à la puissance maximale en air calme)
- résistance nominale : 100 à 1000 ohms à 0°C
- classe élément : A ou B
- isolation de tension AC : 5KV/50Hz, 1 minute pour la sonde en eau salée
- température de travail : -50/180°C
- possibilité de certificat ATEX II 2 G Ex e II
- dimension possible de l'insert à encoche pour stator (à valider) :
* épaisseur : de 2 à 4 mm (± de 0.2 à 0.25 mm)
* largeur : de 5 à 20 mm (± de 0.3 à 0.5 mm)
* longueur : de 40 à 500 mm (± de 2 à 3 mm)
- raccordement :
* longueur possible : de 0.2 à 10 m
* type : simple fils PFA torsadés, câble PFA/PFA ou câble PFA/PFA avec tresse métallique
* nombre conducteurs : 2, 3 ou 4 fils
* section fil : 0.14mm²
* température : -40/105°C

Télecharger et renvoyer nous le formulaire ci-dessous.

U20 shangaFiche de consultation pour sonde SPTE.
Economic probe PT100 to prick right – SAPDECO
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Economic probe PT100 to prick right – SAPDECO
sonde de température économique
capteur : PT100, CEI 60751, classe A, simple ou double enroulement en montage 3 fils
gaine de protection : inox 316L, Ø6mm, longueur 100mm, extrémitée à piquer
poignée : inox 316L, longueur 165mm; recouverte gaine silicone transparente, Ø13.5mm, longueur 230mm
câble : PFA/silicone, longueur 3m
montage étanche
température : -50/180°C
Economic angled core probe PT100 – SAPCECO
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Economic angled core probe PT100 – SAPCECO
sonde de température économique
capteur : PT100, CEI 60751, classe A, simple ou double enroulement en montage 3 fils
gaine de protection : inox 316L, Ø6mm, longueur 100mm, extrémitée à piquer
poignée : inox 316L, longueur 70mm, coudée à 90° sur 110mm; recouverte gaine silicone transparente, Ø13.5mm, longueur 230mm
câble : PFA/silicone, longueur 3m
montage étanche
température : -50/180°C
>> détail du produit
Sonde d'ambiance Pt100/Pt1000 CEI 60751 classe A, montage 2,3,4 fils
Tube de protection en acier inox 316 L Ø 6x20 mm
Etanchéité IP 65
Dimensions boîtier : 80x50x25
Température d'utilisation :
-50 à +80 °C
>> détail du produit
Gaine de protection : acier inox 316 L - Ø 5 mm, longueur utile : 150 mm
Poignée : surmoulée silicone THT 250 °C - couleur rouge brique
Sonde : Pt 100 céramique CEI 60751 classe A, simple en montage 3 fils
Câble de raccordement : silicone atoxique THT 250 °C continu - Alimentaire
Température d’utilisation : - 50 à + 250 °C
Qualité alimentaire suivant FDA (Food & Drug Administration) et suivant BGA (Allemagne)
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in
Protective sheath: stainless steel 316 L - Ø 8 X 1 mm or Ø 6 X 1 mm
Probes: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request)
Connection: 1/2 " plug cylindrical stainless steel GASES 316 L
Head of connection: type mini DAN in epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output cable by glands IP68 polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Temperature of use: -50 to +450 °C
Option: covered sheath PTFE (maximum temperature 200 °C), head with fast locking, head PVC, analogical output by converter
Another length, another diameter or another connection on request
Probe PT100 PT1000 with smooth miniature head and transmitter – MDANGL
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Probe PT100 PT1000 with smooth miniature head and transmitter – MDANGL
Gaine de protection Inox 316L Ø6x0,4
Sonde PT100 ou PT1000 CEI 60751 classe A simple enroulement en montage 3 fils
Tête de raccordement type MDANG (IP68) avec chaînette sur couvercle à visser
Avec presse-étoupe polyamide IP68
Température d’utilisation : -50 à +250°C
Montage anti-vibratoire
sortie 4-20 mA type 940PRO (attention : uniquement en PT100)

- Autre diamètre et longueur sur demande
- Montage 2 fils sur demande
Probe PT100 smooth with connector output M12 – PLM12
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Probe PT100 smooth with connector output M12 – PLM12
Gaine de protection : acier inox316L Ø6x0,4 mm
Sonde PT100 CEI 60751, classe A simple enroulement en montable 3 fils
Raccordement électrique sur connecteur M12 IP67 - 4 contacts
Température maximale d’utilisation : +250°C
Montage anti-vibratoire
Livré sans rallonge

- 2 ou 4 fils sur demande
- Double enroulement sur demande en 2x2 fils
Option cable prolongation PVC straight connector M12 – RALDM12
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Option cable prolongation PVC straight connector M12 – RALDM12
- connecteur droit femelle M12
- câble PVC 80°C
Option cable prolongation PVC angled connector M12 – RALCM12
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Option cable prolongation PVC angled connector M12 – RALCM12
- connecteur coudé femelle M12
- câble PVC 80°C
Conatct probe PT100 with eyelet connector M12 – SPPOM12
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Conatct probe PT100 with eyelet connector M12 – SPPOM12
Sonde PT100 CEI 60751 classe A simple enroulement montage 3 fils
Oeillet en laiton nickelé Ø6,5
Câble de raccordement PVC/PVC
Température d’utilisation -50 à 100°C

Option :
- Autre dimension d'oeillet, autre longueur de câble sur demande
Probe PT100 on DIN connector – PTLDIN
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Probe PT100 on DIN connector – PTLDIN
Gaine de protection : inox 316L - Ø6 x 0,4 ou Ø3 x 0,3
Sonde PT100 CEI 60751 classe A, simple enroulement, montage 3 fils
Raccordement électrique sur bornes Faston par connecteur DIN43650A
Température d’utilisation : -50 à +250°C
Probe PT100 with linking cable – SLSR_ATEX
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Probe PT100 with linking cable – SLSR_ATEX
Gaine de protection : acier inox 316 L, Ø 4 à 14 mm
Sonde : Pt 100 céramique CEI 60751 classe A, simple enroulement en montage 3 fils
Câble de raccordement : PFA/tresse/PFA ou Soie de verre/soie de verre/tresse
Température d'utilisation : -50 à +250 °C ou +450 °C
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert
Protective sheath: stainless steel 316 L - Ø 9 X 1 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable measurement insert standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Connection: 1/2 " plug cylindrical stainless steel GASES 316 L
Head of connection: type mini DAN in epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output cable by glands IP68 polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Temperature of use: -50 to +450 °C
Option: covered sheath PTFE (maximum temperature 200 °C), head with fast locking, head PVC, analogical output by converter
Another length, another diameter or another connection on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 8 x 1 mm or Ø 6 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Thread G 1/2" plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : type B in epoxy coated aluminium alloy,
Provided with a polyamide cable gland IP68 (M20 x 150) for cable from Ø 5 to 12 mm
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Option : PTFE coated protective sheath
(temperature maxi 200°C / 392°F), quick disconnect head or PVC head,
analogic output transmitter
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 9 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
replaceable probe insert Ø 6 x 0.5 mm
Thread G 1/2" plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : type B in epoxy coated aluminium alloy,
Provided with a polyamide cable gland IP68 (M20 x 150) for cable from Ø 5 to 12 mm
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Option : PTFE coated protective sheath (temperature maxi 200°C / 392°F),
quick disconnect head or PVC head, analogic output transmitter
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with extension tube
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with extension tube
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 8 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Extension tube 120mm lenght
Thread G 1/2" plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : type B in epoxy coated aluminium alloy,
Provided with a polyamide cable gland IP68 (M20 x 150) for cable from Ø 5 to 12 mm
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Option : PTFE coated protective sheath
(temperature maxi 200°C / 392°F), quick disconnect head or PVC head,
analogic output transmitter
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with extension tube and measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with extension tube and measurement insert
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 9 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
replaceable probe insert Ø 6 x 0.5 mm, extension tube 120 mm (145 mm under base of head)
Thread G 1/2" plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : type B in epoxy coated aluminium alloy,
Provided with a polyamide cable gland IP68 (M20 x 150) for cable from Ø 5 to 12 mm
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Option : PTFE coated protective sheath
(temperature maxi 200°C / 392°F), quick disconnect head or PVC head,
analogic output transmitter
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe unthreaded atex certified
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe unthreaded atex certified
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 6 x 1 mm or 8 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Connection head : explosion-proof ATEX certified (Ex d IIC T6)
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Head ambient temperature : -40 to +40 °C / -40 to 104°F
Option : cable gland with clamping module, compression fitting
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe unthreaded with measurement insert atex certified
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe unthreaded with measurement insert atex certified
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 8 x 0,9 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Replaceable probe insert Ø 6 x 0.5 mm,
Connection head : explosion-proof ATEX certified (Ex d IIC T6)
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Head ambient temperature : -40 to +40 °C / -40 to 104°F
Option : cable gland with clamping module, compression fitting
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 6 x 1 mm or Ø 8 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Thread G ½" or ½" NPT plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : explosion-proof ATEX certified (Ex d IIC T6)
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Head ambient temperature : -40 to +40 °C / -40 to 104°F
Option : cable gland with clamping module
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 9 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Replaceable probe insert Ø 6 x 0.5 mm,
Thread G ½" or ½" NPT plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : explosion-proof ATEX certified (Ex d IIC T6)
Temperature range : -50 to +450°C / -58 to 842°F
Head ambient temperature : -40 to +40 °C / -40 to 104°F
Option : cable gland with clamping module
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with DIN connector
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with DIN connector
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 6 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
or dual winding 2 x 2 wires
Thread G ½" or G ¼" plug in stainless steel 316 L
Electric connection on Faston terminals by polyamide glass fibre connector DIN
Cable gland Pg 9
Suitable for temperatures up to +392,00 °F and pression up to 15 bars
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with plug-in M12 connection head
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with plug-in M12 connection head
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L - Ø 6 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
or dual winding 2 x 2 wires
Thread G ½" or G ¼" plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connecting cable: pvc/pvc, length 2 meters
Electric connection by M12 connector – IP67 – 4 pins
Suitable for temperatures up to +392,00 °F and pression up to 15 bars
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe atex certified screw-in with extension tube
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe atex certified screw-in with extension tube
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L – Ø6 x 1 mm or Ø 8 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Extension tube 120mm lenght
Thread G ½" or ½" NPT plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : explosion-proof ATEX certified (Ex d IIC T6)
Temperature range : -50 to +500°C / -58 to 1112°F
Head ambient temperature : -40 to +40 °C / -40 to 104°F
Option : cable gland with clamping module
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provide
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with extension tube and measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with extension tube and measurement insert
Protective sheath : stainless steel 316 L – Ø9 x 1 mm
Temp-detector : RTD ceramic CEI 60751 class A, single or dual winding with 3 wires
(2 or 4 wires also provided, contact Sales for availability and pricing)
Replaceable probe insert Ø 6 x 0.5 mm,
Extension tube 120mm lenght
Thread G ½" or ½" NPT plug in stainless steel 316 L
Connection head : explosion-proof ATEX certified (Ex d IIC T6)
Temperature range : -50 to +600°C / -58 to 1112°F
Head ambient temperature : -40 to +40 °C / -40 to 104°F
Option : cable gland with clamping module
Other lengths, diameters or connections also provided
Platinum RTD (PT100) Environment probe external and refrigerating (0-10V output)
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Platinum RTD (PT100) Environment probe external and refrigerating (0-10V output)
Platinum RTD (PT100) environment ceramics CEI 60751 class A
simple rolling up in assembly 3
Box in ABS
stainless steel protection 316 L
waterproof quality IP 65
output glands
Temperature of use: -20 to +80 °C scale of temperature: -20 to +80 °C
Supply: 220 V, 24 VCC or 24 VAC
Output: 0-10 V "
Platinum RTD (PT100) Environment probe with fixing on Rail Din
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Platinum RTD (PT100) Environment probe with fixing on Rail Din
control temperature inside electrical equipment boxes
Platinum RTD (Pt100) environment ceramics CEI 60751 class A
simple rolling up in assembly 2 wire, 3 wire or 4 wire
Self-extinguishing plastic case
Index of protection: IP 20
Connection on screw
Maximum temperature of use: -30 to +80 °C
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for food and pharmaceutical industries with sleeve to be welded and measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for food and pharmaceutical industries with sleeve to be welded and measurement insert
Sensor recommended for milk and pharmaceutical industries, its PFA cone waterproof placed on stainless steel cone, eliminate all risks of pollution pollution
Sheath: stainless steel 316 L - Ø 8 X 0,9 mm - Ø 9 X 1 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rollings up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Connection: sleeve to be welded out of stainless 316 L with joint PFA and sliding connection Head of connection: type mini DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output of cable by glands IP68 polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Temperature of use: - 50 to +200 °C
Possible option: head STAINLESS, head B covered epoxy, head PVC, analogical output by converter Another length on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for food industry with clamp and measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for food industry with clamp and measurement insert
Protection Sheath : Stainless steel 316L -Ø 8 x 0,9 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rollings up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Sensor recommended for food and pharmaceutical industry
Connection: stainless steel clamp 316 L
Head of connection: type mini DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output of cable by glands IP68 polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Temperature of use: -50 to +200 °C
Possible option: head STAINLESS, head B covered epoxy, head PVC, analogical output by Different converter length, other clamp or polishing of the plunger on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for food industry with SMS and measurement insert
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for food industry with SMS and measurement insert
Sensor recommended for milk and pharmaceutical industries Sheath: stainless steel 316 L - Ø 8 X 0,9 mm - Ø 9 X 1mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rollings up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Connection: Stainless steel SMS 316 L
Head of connection: type mini DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output of cable by glands IP68 polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Temperature of use: -50 to +200 °C
Possible option: head STAINLESS, head B covered epoxy, head PVC, analogical output by Different converter length, another connection SMS or polishing of the plunger on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for autoclave
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for autoclave
Protection sheath : stainless steel 316L -Ø 6 x 200 mm
Sleeve stainless Ø 6 X 100 mm for passage of partition
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request)
Connecting cable: PFA/silicone, length 2 meters
Maximum temperature of use: +180 °C Tight execution
Accessories: sliding connections doubles ring seals (see page 64) Another diameter and length of sheath, another length of cable on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with cuff and measurement insert atex certified
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with cuff and measurement insert atex certified
Protection sheath :
stainless steel 316L -Ø 6 x 0,5 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Connection: cuff stainless for assembly on thimble Head of connection: explosion-proof certified ATEX (Ex D IIC T6) glands certified ATEX out of brass nickelled with entry of cable Ø 6 to 8,5 mm
Measurement bracket: -50 to +600°C / -58 to 1112°F
Ambient temperature of the head: -40 to +40 °C
Another length, another diameter on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for autoclave with protection in stainless steel flexible
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe for autoclave with protection in stainless steel flexible
Protection sheath : stainless steel 316L -Ø 6 x 200 mm prolonged by cable PFA/silicone protected by flexible device stainless Ø 7 mm, length 1,5 meters then tight sheath Ø 6 X 100 mm for passage of partition
Probes: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request)
Connecting cable: PFA/silicone, length 2 meters Maximum temperature of use: +180 °C Tight execution
Accessories: sliding connections doubles ring seals (see page 64) Model available with variations of dimensions
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with cuff, Union connection and measurement insert atex certified
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with cuff, Union connection and measurement insert atex certified
Protection sheath :
stainless steel 316L -Ø 6 x 0,5 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Connection: cuffs for assembly on thimble and box union out of galvanized steel, length 130 mm (possible stainless steel option)
Head of connection: explosion-proof certified ATEX (Ex D IIC T6) glands certified ATEX out of brass nickelled with entry of cable Ø 6 to 8,5 mm
Measurement bracket: -50 to +600°C / -58 to 1112°F
Ambient temperature of the head: -40 to +40 °C
Another length, another diameter on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) smooth probe, atex certified
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Platinum RTD (PT100) smooth probe, atex certified
Protection sheath : stainless steel 316L -Ø 6 x 1mm or 8 x 1mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request)
Head of connection: type DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output cable by glands polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Measurement bracket: -50 to +450 °C
Ambient temperature of the head: -40 to +40 °C
Possible option: glands with mooring of cable, sliding connection Another length or another diameter on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) smooth probe with measurement insert, atex certified
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Platinum RTD (PT100) smooth probe with measurement insert, atex certified
Protection sheath : stainless steel 316L -Ø 8 x 0,9 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Head of connection: type DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output cable by glands polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Measurement bracket: -50 to +450 °C
Ambient temperature of the head: -40 to +40 °C
Possible option: glands with mooring of cable, sliding connection Another length or another diameter on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in, atex certified
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in, atex certified
Protection sheath : stainless steel 316L -Ø 6 x 1 mm or 8 x 1 mm
Probes: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request)
Connection: 1/2 " cylindrical plug GAS or NPT out of stainless steel 316 L
Head of connection: type DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output cable by glands polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Measurement bracket: -50 to +450 °C
Ambient temperature of the head: -40 to +40 °C

glands with mooring of Different cable length, another diameter or another connection on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert, atex certifed
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe screw-in with measurement insert, atex certifed
Protection sheath : stainless steel 316L - Ø 9 x 1 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Connection: 1/2 " cylindrical plug GAS or stainless steel NPT 316 L
Head of connection: type DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output cable by glands polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Measurement bracket: -50 to +450 °C
Ambient temperature of the head: -40 to +40 °C
Possible option: glands with mooring of cable
Another length, another diameter or another connection on request
Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with     , and measurement insert atex certifed
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Platinum RTD (PT100) probe with , and measurement insert atex certifed
Protection sheath : stainless steel 316L -Ø 6 x 0,5 mm
Sheath: stainless steel 316 L - Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Probe: Pt 100 ceramics CEI 60751 class A, simple or double rolling up in assembly 3 wire (2 or 4 wire on request), interchangeable element of measurement standard Ø 6 X 0,5 mm
Connection: steel cuff galvanized for assembly on thimble (possible stainless steel option)
Head of connection: type DAN out of epoxy aluminium alloy covered, output cable by glands polyamide (M20 X 150), Ø of tightening from 5 to 12 mm
Temperature of use: -50 to +450 °C
Another length, another diameter on request

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