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Boîtier de protection anti-radiation solaire - RSP1

Boîtier de protection anti-radiation solaire - RSP1

Permet de placer l’enregistreur en plein soleil sans que la mesure de température et d’hygrométrie ne soit faussée par les radiations solaires.

Montage facile, fixation sur mât ou murale
Livré avec support , bride et vis de montage (inox)
Hauteur: 120 mm; 250 mm en comptant la fixation
diamètre : 140 mm
Profondeur: 170 mm; la fixation dépasse de 30 mm du boîtier
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Boîtier de protection anti-radiation solaire - RSP1
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RSP1 Boîtier de protection panier
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Produits associés
Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of temperature Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of temperature
1 temperature internal probe -20 to +70 °C
Accuracy on the temperature measurement: ±0,35 °C from 0 to +50 °C
Temperature resolution: +0,03 °C with +25 °C
Drifts: +0,01 °C/an
Answer time temperature: 6 mn for 90% in the ventilated air with 1 m/s
Accuracy of the clock: ±1 mn/mois with +25 °C
Lifespan of the battery : 1 year for a typical use
Memory: 64 Kbits (43000 mesures/12 bits)
Date and programmable hour of starting or starting by pushbutton
Complete unloading in 30 seconds indelebile job number
Indication of the hour and the date
Loadmeter of displayable battery at the time of configuration by software
Operating temperature: -20 °C with +70 °C
Temperature of storage: -40 °C with +75 °C
Dimensions (mm): Ep 22 - H 74 - Lar 58
Weight: 46 G
Interface USB for the communication with a computer
Confirmation of the operations by twinkling LED
Crush with easily replaceable lithium
Operating softwares recommended: HOBOware for PC/Mac
Delivered with accessories of fixing (magnetic, self-adhesive, velcro)
Compatible tight cases
Prosensor: temperature probes, PT100 probe, thermocouple probe, datalogger, heating resistances
Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of temperature and humidity Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of temperature and humidity
1 temperature internal probe -20 to +70 °C
1 probe internal hygroscopy 5 to 95%
HR Accuracy: T°: ±0,35 °C from 0 to +50 °C; RH: ± 2,5% of 10% to 90%
Resolution: T°: +0,03 °C with +25 °C; RH: + 0,03% HR
Drifts: T°: +0,01 °C/an RH: < 1% /an (for a normal use)
Answer time (ventilated air with 1 m/s): T°: 6 mn for 90% RH: 1 mn for 90%
Accuracy of the clock: ±1 mn/mois with +25 °C
Lifespan of the battery : 1 year for a typical use
Memory: 64 Kbits (43000 mesures/12 bits)
Date and programmable hour of starting or starting by pushbutton
Complete unloading in 30 seconds indelebile job number
Indication of the hour and the date
Loadmeter of displayable battery at the time of configuration by software
Operating temperature: -20 °C with +70 °C
Temperature of storage: -40 °C with +75 °C
Dimensions (mm): Ep 22 - H 74 - Lar 58
Weight: 46 G
Interface USB for the communication with a computer
Confirmation of the operations by twinkling LED
Crush with easily replaceable lithium
Operating softwares recommended: HOBOware for PC/Mac
Delivered with accessories of fixing (magnetic, self-adhesive, velcro)
Prosensor: temperature probes, PT100 probe, thermocouple probe, datalogger, heating resistances
Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of humidity and light Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of humidity and light
1 temperature internal probe -20 to +70 °C
1 probe internal hygroscopy 5 to 95% HR
1 sensor internal light 1 to 40000 lumens/m ²
1 external input (temperature -40 to +120 °C, voltage 0-2,5 V or 0-10 V, current 4-20 my or grips amperemetric range 0-600 A, CO2)
Accuracy: T°: ±0,35 °C from 0 to +50 °C RH: ± 2,5% of 10% to 90%
External input : ±2 mV ± 2,5% (reading)
Resolution: T°: +0,03 °C with +25 °C RH: + 0,03% HR
Drifts: T°: +0,01 °C/an RH: < 1% /an (for a normal use)
Answer time (ventilated air with 1 m/s): T°: 6 mn for 90% RH: 1 mn for 90%
Accuracy of the clock: ±1 mn/mois with +25 °C
Lifespan of the battery : 1 year for a typical use
Memory: 64 Kbits (43000 mesures/12 bits)
Date and programmable hour of starting or starting by pushbutton
Complete unloading in 30 seconds indelebile job number
Indication of the hour and the date
Loadmeter of displayable battery at the time of the configuration by software
Operating temperature: -20 °C with +70 °C
Temperature of storage: -40 °C with +75 °C
Dimensions (mm): Ep 22 - H 74 - Lar 58
Weight: 46 G
Interface USB for the communication with a computer
Confirmation of the operations by twinkling LED
Crush with easily replaceable lithium
Operating softwares recommended: HOBOware for PC/Mac
Delivered with accessories of fixing (magnetic, self-adhesive, velcro)
Prosensor: temperature probes, PT100 probe, thermocouple probe, datalogger, heating resistances
Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of humidity Data Miniature Standalone Loggers of humidity
1 temperature internal probe -20 to +70 °C
1 probe internal hygroscopy 5 to 95% HR
2 external input (temperature -40 to +120 °C, Voltage 0-2,5 V or 0-10 V, current 4-20 my or grips amperemetric range 0-600 A, CO2)
Accuracy: T°: ±0,35 °C from 0 to +50 °C RH: ± 2,5% of 10% to 90%
External input : ±2 mV ± 2,5% (reading)
Resolution: T°: +0,03 °C with +25 °C RH: + 0,03% HR
Drifts: T°: +0,01 °C/an RH: < 1% /an (for a normal use)
Answer time (ventilated air with 1 m/s): T°: 6 mn for 90% RH: 1 mn for 90%
Accuracy of the clock: ±1 mn/month with +25 °C
Lifespan of the battery : 1 year for a typical use
Memory: 64 Kbits (43000 mesures/12 bits)
Date and programmable hour of starting or starting by pushbutton
Complete unloading in 30 seconds indelebile job number
Indication of the hour and the date
Loadmeter of displayable battery at the time of the configuration by software
Operating temperature: -20 °C with +70 °C
Temperature of storage: -40 °C with +75 °C
Dimensions (mm): Ep 22 - H 74 - Lar 58
Weight: 46 G
Interface USB for the communication with a computer
Confirmation of the operations by twinkling LED
Crush with easily replaceable lithium
Operating softwares recommended: HOBOware for PC/Mac
Delivered with accessories of fixing (magnetic, self-adhesive, velcro)
Prosensor: temperature probes, PT100 probe, thermocouple probe, datalogger, heating resistances
Data Miniature Standalone Loggers with 4 external input Data Miniature Standalone Loggers with 4 external input
4 external input (temperature -40 to +120 °C, Voltage 0-2,5 V or 0-10 V, current 4-20 my or grips amperemetric range 0-600 A, CO2)
Scale of measurement of the external input : 0 to 2,5 V cd.
Accuracy: ±2 mV ± 2,5% of the absolute reading
Resolution: 0,6 mV Accuracy of the clock: ±1 mn/month with +25 °C
Lifespan of the battery : 1 year for a typical use
Memory: 64 Kbits (43000 mesures/12 bits)
Date and programmable hour of starting or starting by pushbutton
Complete unloading in 30 seconds indelebile job number
Indication of the hour and the date
Loadmeter of displayable battery at the time of configuration by software
Operating temperature: -20 °C with +70 °C, 0 to 95% of non-condensed relative humidity
Temperature of storage: -40 °C with +75 °C
Dimensions (mm): Ep 22 - H 74 - Lar 58
Weight: 46 G
Interface USB for the communication with a computer
Confirmation of the operations by twinkling LED
Crush with easily replaceable lithium
Operating softwares recommended: HOBOware for PC/Mac
Delivered with accessories of fixing (magnetic, self-adhesive, velcro)
Prosensor: temperature probes, PT100 probe, thermocouple probe, datalogger, heating resistances


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